Saturday, June 18, 2016

Ahsan Manzil

Ahsan Manzil

Where the Ahsan Manzil currently stands on the place it was previously known as Kumortuli Islampur. It located in the southern of Dhaka city. By the mid-eighteenth century landlord in Jalalpur Parganas Sheikh Enayetullah was built "Rangmahal as" an
entertainment building. Hence He died a few days later, his son Sheikh Enayetullah Matiullaha Sold Entertainment luxurious building to the French merchants. Then the French built their trading there.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Sixty Dome Mosque

sity dome mosque
Sixty dome Mosque
Sixty Dome Mosque an ancient mosque, located in the south-west of Bagerhat district. There is no inscription on the mosque. So who built the building or any time, accurate information is not available. However, it is seen that the architecture of the mosque, Khan-i-Jahan built is no doubt about that. He is believed to be built in 15th century. For many years the mosque was built, and many of spending money. Stones were brought from Rajmahal. It is the third World Heritage Sites located in one city been given the status of World Heritage Sites in Bagerhat 1983 AD UNESCO provides this respect.
The mosque is about 160 feet outside the north-south and east-west inward and outward nearly 143 feet long, about 104 feet and about 88 feet wide on the inside. It has about 8·5 feet thick walls.

Monday, May 30, 2016

The temple of Kantajiu

The Temple of Kantajiu
The temple of kantajiu
Kantajiu temple or kantajira temple or temple kantanagara the city of Dinajpur 20 kilometers north and Kaharole Upazila headquarters to seven kilometers south-east sundarapura Union, Dinajpur-tentulia dhempa west highway located on the bank of an ancient temple . It nabaratna temple, the temple is also known as the tinatalabisista (three-storeyed) had nine top or gems. Kantajiu temple built in the 18th century a great religious structure. The temple, which is known as the temple of the Hindu religion Krishna Kant or demotic as the prevailing form of Radha and Krishna cult. Ideas are born here in Maharaja Sumit took hold.

Friday, May 27, 2016

The Ancient History of Wari-Bateshwar

ancient port of bangla
Ancient Port of Bangla
An archaeological site in Bangladesh Wari-Bateshwar located in 70 kilometers north-east of Dhaka in Narsingdi district. It is a fortress-city of below ground. According to experts, it is nearly two and a half thousand years old. However, some archaeological relics discovered in 2000 AD, the Wari settlements in the context of the examination of carbon -14 to 450 BC have been confirmed.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Ancient story of Behular Bashor Ghor

bahular bashor ghor
Behular Bashor Ghor
Chad Sawdagor’s son Lakshindar and his business colleague Sahar daughter Behula was born during contemporaries. The two children grew up together and for each other are considered fully appropriate. So he did not worship any other gods. On the contrary, Monsha daughter of the goddess Shiva was the goddess of snake. But she should not be worshiped anywhere. Shiva, his father told her that if any devout Shaiva (worshiper of Shiva) is worshiped Manasa then the earth's introduction of his worship. Then she chooses Chad Sawdagar to organize worship for Moasha but a devotee of Shiva Chad Sawdagar was denied Manasa’s proposal. She was so furious that she cursed him that she will destroy the life of his son. Cursed of Manasa all sons of Sawdagor were killed disguise except Lakshmindara. 

Ancient History of Pundravardhana (Mohastangarh)

Lakshman Sen was the last king of the medieval Fourth of the Sen Dynasty. He ruled from AD 1178 to 1206. His father Ballal Sen was his predecessor. Laxman Sen extended his empire to Kamarupa (Assam), Kalinga (modern Orissa), and Kashi. In 1206 AD Gaur fell to Delhi Sultanate, the commander of the Turkish forces Ekthiar Uddin Muhammad Bakhtiyar Kholji. Lakshman Sen fled East Bengal in Bikrampur and began to reign there. He had interest in literature. He was completed his father Ballal Sen’s unfinished book "Strange Sea". Gaur was unprotected when he was king. It was the one-time capital of bangla which is now destroyed and current position India-Bangladesh border regions. It is also known as laksanabati.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Ancient History of Bengal

Weapon Of Copper age
Bangladesh and West Bengal in recent history is the history of the last four Millenniums. In a sense, the Ganges and the Brahmaputra had been cut off Bengal from the mainland of India. However, India took an important role in the history of Bengali. The region was known as gangaridai to the ancient Romans and Greeks.