Monday, May 23, 2016

Ancient History of Pundravardhana (Mohastangarh)

Lakshman Sen was the last king of the medieval Fourth of the Sen Dynasty. He ruled from AD 1178 to 1206. His father Ballal Sen was his predecessor. Laxman Sen extended his empire to Kamarupa (Assam), Kalinga (modern Orissa), and Kashi. In 1206 AD Gaur fell to Delhi Sultanate, the commander of the Turkish forces Ekthiar Uddin Muhammad Bakhtiyar Kholji. Lakshman Sen fled East Bengal in Bikrampur and began to reign there. He had interest in literature. He was completed his father Ballal Sen’s unfinished book "Strange Sea". Gaur was unprotected when he was king. It was the one-time capital of bangla which is now destroyed and current position India-Bangladesh border regions. It is also known as laksanabati.

There was the king of Mahasthan named Nol. The king of Mahasthan Nol and his brother Neil had dispute between them. In the meantime, a cursed Brahmin comes here from one of India's Deccan sriksetra to atone for sins. He was condemned for committing matricide by ax. Later he ended the conflict between the two brothers and became the king. This brahmin named was Rama. He's known as Parasurama. Legend has it that Parasurama was battle with the spiritual power holders saint Hazrat Shah Sultan Mahmud balakhi (R :). Hazrat Shah Sultan Mahmud balakhi (R :) was the emperor of the Central Asian states ballakha. He was the son of Ali Asghar the emperor of the kingdom ballakha, after his death, he was proclaimed emperor. But he left his empire became saints. Before he reached the Pundravardhana in 44 AH, his first step was Sandip in Bangla. Later he defeated Parsurama and won the Pundravardhana in 1400 AD. According to another source, he defeated King Parsurama in 1343 AD. 

 Parshuram was the last king of Pundravardhana. Legend has it that Hazrat Shah Sultan Mahmud balakhi (R :) came Mahasthan a fish-shaped boat with his loyalists as fakir guise from there, his name came up mahisaoyara (arrive upon fish). He came to ballakha that is why also called him Shah Sultan balakhi. After reached mahasthangarh he preaches Islam. First Parsuram’s army chief, ministers and some people took the message of Islam and converting to Muslim. Thus, the people of Pundravardhana convert to Islam from Hinduism. The king of Parsuram embroiled in a dispute with the Shah Sultan and one time it began war in (1205 -1220) AD. The king Parshuram defeated and died in the battle.

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