Monday, May 23, 2016

Ancient story of Behular Bashor Ghor

bahular bashor ghor
Behular Bashor Ghor
Chad Sawdagor’s son Lakshindar and his business colleague Sahar daughter Behula was born during contemporaries. The two children grew up together and for each other are considered fully appropriate. So he did not worship any other gods. On the contrary, Monsha daughter of the goddess Shiva was the goddess of snake. But she should not be worshiped anywhere. Shiva, his father told her that if any devout Shaiva (worshiper of Shiva) is worshiped Manasa then the earth's introduction of his worship. Then she chooses Chad Sawdagar to organize worship for Moasha but a devotee of Shiva Chad Sawdagar was denied Manasa’s proposal. She was so furious that she cursed him that she will destroy the life of his son. Cursed of Manasa all sons of Sawdagor were killed disguise except Lakshmindara. 

So during the wedding of Lakhindare Chad Sawdagor made the bride chamber with the help of god Vishwakarma which is not possible to make a hole for snakes. Despite all the precautions , she was able to implement her objectives. She send a snake and killed Lakhindare.
According to the tradition of those who have been killed snake stricken for their funeral conventional method were floating their bodies raft on the river in the hope that some miraculous way that the person will come back. Behula  

bahular bashor ghor
Begular Bashor Ghor
override tied to the raft ride down with her late husband.
They have six months to go through the journey and villages. This situation corpse started to go rotten and the villagers think she is mentally unbalanced. Behula continued to pray Monsha but Monsha just helps to keep the raft floating. Once the raft comes to Manasa’s adoptive mother Nita while she wash in a river the raft touches the ground. After seen Behular’s uninterrupted prayer she decided to bring Behula to Manasa. Her divine power and blink of an eye she reached dead lakhindare and Behula to heaven. She said, you have the ability of return (Lakshmindare), but it would be possible if you can agree your Father-in-law to worship me. As soon as  I will, replied Behula than  the dead bodies of her husband's life began to return. Going back to his flesh of the erosion and Lakshmindara looked his eyes and looked at the smile at Behula. They returned the Earth with their guide Nita. In collaboration with her mother-in-law Behula was agreed Chad Sawdagor to worship Manasa.

Begular Bashor Ghor
Behular Bashor Ghor

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