Saturday, June 18, 2016

Ahsan Manzil

Ahsan Manzil

Where the Ahsan Manzil currently stands on the place it was previously known as Kumortuli Islampur. It located in the southern of Dhaka city. By the mid-eighteenth century landlord in Jalalpur Parganas Sheikh Enayetullah was built "Rangmahal as" an
entertainment building. Hence He died a few days later, his son Sheikh Enayetullah Matiullaha Sold Entertainment luxurious building to the French merchants. Then the French built their trading there.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Sixty Dome Mosque

sity dome mosque
Sixty dome Mosque
Sixty Dome Mosque an ancient mosque, located in the south-west of Bagerhat district. There is no inscription on the mosque. So who built the building or any time, accurate information is not available. However, it is seen that the architecture of the mosque, Khan-i-Jahan built is no doubt about that. He is believed to be built in 15th century. For many years the mosque was built, and many of spending money. Stones were brought from Rajmahal. It is the third World Heritage Sites located in one city been given the status of World Heritage Sites in Bagerhat 1983 AD UNESCO provides this respect.
The mosque is about 160 feet outside the north-south and east-west inward and outward nearly 143 feet long, about 104 feet and about 88 feet wide on the inside. It has about 8·5 feet thick walls.