Friday, May 27, 2016

The Ancient History of Wari-Bateshwar

ancient port of bangla
Ancient Port of Bangla
An archaeological site in Bangladesh Wari-Bateshwar located in 70 kilometers north-east of Dhaka in Narsingdi district. It is a fortress-city of below ground. According to experts, it is nearly two and a half thousand years old. However, some archaeological relics discovered in 2000 AD, the Wari settlements in the context of the examination of carbon -14 to 450 BC have been confirmed.


There are two villages as well as the Wari and Bateshwar in Norshindhi at Shibpur upazila. The archaeological material was found in that village, both frequently. In December 1933 AD, workers of Wari village found a container of stored coin when digging in the soil. A local school teacher, Mr. Mohammad Hanif Pathan took 20-30 coins from there. These are the oldest pieces of silver bangabharatera. This was the first attempt to collect archaeological vestige in Wari-batesbarera. He then press it to weekly Mohammadi as "ancient coins received" and aware his son, Mr. Habibulla that this was taking a variety of areas of archaeological material. In 1955, in the village of bateswar local workers have abandoned the pieces of iron it was Triangular face and a sharp and heavy iron pieces. Habibulla shown it to his father and he impressed. 30 January of that year Mr. Hanif Pathan issue an article titled "prehistoric civilization in East Pakistan," the daily newspaper of Robi Basario.Then At different times we mention the receiving different archaeological sign. March 1956 AD, Wari village farmer jaru found silver punch marked coins in a store when digging in the soil. That store had at least 4000 silver coins. That store had at least 4000 silver coins and weight was 8 sher (kg). Jaru sold the coins to silver agent at 80 tk sher (kg). That time Habibullah Pathan was nine grade student, so for just 720 tk in the history of the precious items was lost forever to raupyakarera melting furnace. Mr. Habibulla was an honorary collector dhaka Museum in 1974-1975. That time he placed coins, stones, beads, iron axes and spears to Museum particularly for research. In 1988 AD, the Wari villager named Shahabuddin discovered 33 bronze vessels of accumulation from surface. He could not collect them despite again and again advice, but at the later Shahabuddin sold it only 200 tk to one of the spare parts owner
Sealed stone

 Once Mr. habibulla Pathan gave local children a little money for exchange of ancient artefacts and began to pick up, and began to collect the priceless archaeological Wari-Bateshwar unexplored areas. His intent and efficiency was recovered before the dredging such as bangabharatera bisnupatta rare single sign, made of bronze horse racing, high tinamisrita nabayukta pot, the pot is offering Shiva, relika kasakita (Relic casket) - the fraction, stone weights, chisel Neolithic era, lauhakuthara, spears, the stone sealed, triratna, turtle, elephant, lion, ducks, insects, flowers, crescent moon, stars, defender (Amulate), terracotta cherub, the sun and a variety of animals portrait, rinstona, bronze Garuda, a few thousand short-precious stones and glass bead.

The Wari-Bateshwar undiscovered archaeological relic’s was discussed since long. In 1930 AD, a local school teacher, Mr. Mohammad Hanif Pathan (1901-1989) the first drew attention Wari-Bateshwar to civil society then his son, Mr. Habibulla began writing the local newspapers of highlights the importance. Although archaeologists are repeatedly spoken out about this but there were no excavations. At last the excavations began in 2000 AD, at the initiative of the Department of Archaeology at the University of Jahangirnagor. Led the excavation work Head of the Department of Archaeology Sufi Mr. Mustafizur Rahman, the deputy leader of Mr. Mizanur Rahman, and was active in the excavation JU Students of the Department of Archaeology. The cooperation of the local people had to be mentioned.

 Wari-Bateshwar undertook the excavation is approximately two and a half thousand years, the ancient fortress-cities, ports, roads, side roads, plaques, low-precious stones and glass beads, silver punch-marked coins have been discovered. Architectural expert builders have already started researching with reverse pyramid shaped. Paleolithic rock seems to be a sign of the four available here. In the light of the availability weapons of Neolithic period, the mid-second millennium BC its may have been used here. Time has not been set yet a huge amount of iron axe and spear. However, basis of the chemical test of Dr. Jahan  is believed to be these 700-400 BC. The Silver punch-marked coins (187 BC-320 BC) were the possibility of having maurya period. Glass pieces were common in the fourth century BC, probably from the first century AD. Uwari archaeological excavations organized by the International Centre for the study of the art of Bengal is tested carbon -14 of North indian Black Polished Ware, roleteda ware, pottery, etc. The test has been confirmed that the Wari settlements in 450 BC.


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